Exercise Right Week

Exercise Physiologist in Balwyn North


This week from May 22nd – 28th 2023 is national Exercise Right Week

The aim of Exercise Right Week is to promote the importance of people engaging in correct exercise strategies that are tailored to their individual needs. 

One Size Does NOT fit all when it comes to EXERCISE!

Every year thousands of Australians embark on an exercise program for the first time.  Too many of these people injure themselves within the first six weeks of training due to improper training techniques. 

Performing the wrong exercises for their body, training too hard too early or simply being pushed beyond their capacity are among the many reasons why people injure themselves with exercise.

Injury can be a demotivator for many people and therefore can negatively impact your health and fitness.

While exercise has many benefits to your health, the exercise program your doing must account for your individual differences. 

These include differences in posture, biomechanical deviations, medical history, mobility, movement awareness, strength, pelvic stability and goals.  

An exercise program designed by an Accredited Exercise Physiologist will account for these individual differences within your body.

Exercise Physiologist in Balwyn North
Exercise Right Week 2023 is supported by Inspire Fitness and Exercise Physiology

Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing is a supporter of National Exercise Right Week as this message is aligned to the values of our training approach.  

This video recorded by Brendan Rigby (Accredited Exercise Physiologist), the founder and director of Inspire Fitness highlights the passion we share for people undertaking exercise tailored for the unique needs of their own body.

The Inspire Fitness training approach is outlined by Brendan Rigby.

Source; YouTube Brendan Rigby Inspire Fitness And Wellbeing