Tag: fitness

Is it time for growth? A special Inspire event THIS WEEKEND!

Join us for a full-day workshop of learning and growth to help you achieve what you really want in your life. Bettina Tornatora is a life and business coach with a passion for assisting people achieve at a higher

Your Nutrition, Your Choice: Inspire Fitness Seminar

Our upcoming members’ seminar, ‘Your Nutrition, Your Choice’, will provide you with the tools you need to make the right choices about your nutrition. In this one-hour seminar, delivered by

Why Sitting Is Bad For You

Studies demonstrate that sitting for long periods of time can be harmful to your health. Physiological harm arises from excessive sitting! Sitting also leads to adverse changes in your posture, which increases

The Role of Exercise in Treating Cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death and disability in Australia, with most of us knowing someone close to us who has been affected by the disease. Traditionally, people undergoing treatment for cancer

Women And Weight Training Myths

“I don’t want to lift weights because it will make me look big and bulky” The above statement is a misconception shared by both male and female gym goers, although it tends to be more common among females.

The Habits Of Happiness

What is happiness and how can you feel happy more often? Matthieu Ricard has devoted his life to studying and answering these difficult questions. Influenced by his Buddhist faith and his scientific mind, Matthieu

Psychological Flexibility and Your Health

Psychological flexibility is an academic term that refers to your ability to “stay present and be willing to experience discomfort in order to do what is really important and what works”.   Fundamentally,

Fasting: What You Need to Know

In Western cultures, the most common eating pattern consists of consuming three daily meals with snacks between meals. However, more and more research in the area of human nutrition, dieting and weight loss is