
Weekly Health and Fitness Roundup: 9th-15th January, 2012

Hope your 2012 is off to a great start!  Here is this week’s Inspire Fitness roundup of fitness and health info from around the web: Blogs and News “A Short Scientific Meditation To Enhance Your Workout”:

Weekly Health And Fitness Roundup: 2nd-8th January, 2012

There’s an abundance of health information available on the internet, and it’s growing rapidly every day.  But much of this information is ill-informed, poorly researched, or just plain wrong.  So how can

Back Pain And Prolonged Sitting: Resources From Around The Web

We have had a lot of interest from readers wanting to learn more about low back pain and prolonged sitting, following on from Rory Scott’s timely post in September.  With more occupations becoming office-based

Motivation And Exercise (Part 1): It’s Not All That It’s Cracked Up To Be

Happy New Year and welcome to 2012!  With the holiday season quickly slipping from our grasp, it’s time to look towards our plans for ourselves and our quality of life.  Maybe you’ve made a New

Inspire Fitness Christmas Party And Awards 2011

With Christmas just around the corner I would like to take this opportunity to wish a safe and Merry Christmas to all of our clients and readers of our blog.  This festive season is not without its challenges

Victoria’s Diabetes Epidemic: The Staggering Statistics

Diabetes can lead to many long-term complications such as nerve damage in the feet and eyes, cardiovascular disease, and kidney damage.  Shocking new data has revealed that diabetes has more than doubled over

Movember 2011 At Inspire Fitness: The Wrap Up

The month of Movember was dedicated by our personal trainers at Inspire Fitness to supporting the valuable cause of raising money and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and depression

Back Pain In Outer Space!

A little known side effect for astronauts travelling to the outer reaches of space has been a high incidence of chronic low back pain upon their return to earth, or more specifically, upon their return to the