
Weekly Health and Fitness Roundup: 30th July – 5th August, 2012

This Inspire Fitness Weekly Roundup touches on the benefits of swimming and barefoot running, portion control, and boosting your consumption of healthy fruits and vegetables: EXERCISE: You don’t have to

Training Secrets of Olympic Athletes, for Everyday Warriors! (Part 2)

Last week, I wrote about the importance of combining multiple modes of training as an essential component of effective training, for peak health and peak performance. This week, we take a closer look at the value

Weekly Health and Fitness Roundup: 23rd – 29th July, 2012

The London 2012 Olympic Games are well underway!  Many Aussie athletes have already started their Olympic campaigns, and our first gold medal has been won on day 1 of competition!  Are you enjoying the coverage?

Training Secrets of Olympic Athletes, for Everyday Warriors! (Part 1)

We’re less than a week away from the London Olympic Games 2012 with the excitement building every day!  Every four years, the Olympics give us sporting tragics a few weeks to indulge in the high drama and

Weekly Health and Fitness Roundup: 16th – 22nd July, 2012

In this July instalment of the Inspire Fitness Weekly Roundup, we’ve sourced everything from hip strengthening and mobility, to the recovery strategies used by our Australian Olympians, as well as a healthy

Weekly Health and Fitness Roundup: 2nd – 14th July, 2012

This week’s Inspire Fitness Weekly Roundup is a bumper edition, covering the first fortnight of July as we missed the first week’s roundup…sorry about that!  To make up for it, we are providing double

Kieran Perkins: An Inspirational Olympic Moment

Kieran Perkins demonstrated to all of us his spirit of achievement and strong focus, in his triumphant 1996 Olympic Games 1500 m swimming final.  As he touched the wall to win the gold medal, it became obvious

Weekly Health and Fitness Roundup: 25th June – 1st July, 2012

What an icy welcome we have had to winter this year!  Keep warm with these Health and Fitness tidbits in this week’s Inspire Fitness Weekly Roundup: Gestational Diabetes can be managed and/or prevented by