
The Benefits of Exercise for Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in our community, with the prevalence of diabetes increasing over 90% in the last 10 years in Boroondara alone.  This is staggering when you consider that 60%

Exercise is Medicine

A recent documentary on Australia’s ABC Catalyst program highlighted the critical role of exercise in the treatment of many chronic medical conditions, and supported the notion that exercise is medicine. The

Understanding Fascia and Your Flexibility

Written by Daniel Hayes, personal trainer at Inspire Fitness. You may have heard of the term fascia, but few people are clear on what it is or how important it is to their ability to move and exercise.  Fascia

Christmas Party 2012: Photos and Awards

Last week, Inspire Fitness hosted our annual Members’ Christmas Party, to celebrate YOU and your fantastic achievements from a successful year of training at Inspire.  The highlight of the evening was

Diabetes Exercise Management Class Featured In National Magazine

Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing has been featured in the November 2012 issue of the national Living Now magazine, with our specially designed Diabetes Management and Prevention Program.  In response to the

Health and Fitness Roundup: 29th October – 11th November, 2012

Blogs “A Grain of Truth: Should You Avoid Grains?”:  In recent years, there have been many mixed messages touted in the media about the place of grains in a healthy and balanced diet.  Here is a thorough

Strength Training: Fixed Machines Can Cause Harm!

The importance of strength training for your health is well-documented and we have written about the benefits in many of our blog articles. But did you know traditional strength training machines, frequently

Health and Fitness Roundup: 15th – 28th October, 2012

This Inspire Fitness Health and Fitness Roundup touches on mature age marathoners, the protective effect of muscular strength, and recovery strategies adopted by endurance athletes: Marathon Runners Stop Aging