
Get Off Your Chair And On Your Feet, Australia!

More than ever, we work and play while seated.  Think of how much prolonged sitting can take place in the average day for an adult Australian: At breakfast In a car or on public transport on the way to work

Motivational Messages to Accelerate your Fitness

I am a huge fan of motivational quotes.  Quotes that make us stop, think and evaluate the direction we are heading with our health, and they help us see things from a different perspective.  I dedicate these

Top 5 Blog Posts for 2013

2013 has been quite a year!  Below is a list of the top 5 posts on the Inspire Fitness blog in 2013.  Enjoy a quick review and use them to catapult your health and fitness to a new level in 2014: How sugar

Photos from the Inspire Fitness Christmas Party 2013

Christmas is on our doorstep, and as always, we love to celebrate this time of year by hosting our annual Inspire Fitness Christmas Party, which gives us the chance to reflect on the hard work and great achievements

Inspire Fitness clients succeed in the 50 km Upstream Challenge

Goal setting and working hard to successfully achieve those goals are foundation principles that we teach our clients at Inspire Fitness.  Mastering your health is like any other pursuit in life – you need

The Melanoma Athlete Cyclist

I recently recorded this video with Nathan Jones after a presentation at our recent members’ seminar evening.  Nathan is a stage 3A melanoma patient and his story is truly remarkable.   His commitment

Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Inspire Fitness Seminar

What does it mean to be truly inspirational? We might be inspired by people in the public eye – athletes, successful businesspeople, celebrities – but often, the most inspiring people are “ordinary”

PM Tony Abbott shows healthy lifestyle is crucial

Value your health as your most important asset.  This is a key message we teach our clients at Inspire Fitness.  This requires a significant shift in mindset for many until they realise that without vital health