Health and Wellbeing

From Fat To Flourish

Roger Wright had been obese for most of his adult life, weighing over 135 kg from his late 30s until his 47th birthday. When the scales tipped over 144 kg, Roger knew he had to drastically change his ways before

World Mental Health Day: The Skeptic’s Guide to Meditation (Infographic)

Today, October 10, is World Mental Health Day. As a community we openly discuss issues of physical health, yet everyone agrees that overall health is not simply about the physical aspects. At Inspire, we understand

The Dangers of Corticosteroid Injections

A common medical treatment for back pain, neck pain, and limb pain is to inject the affected area with an epidural of corticosteroid.  This is an anti-inflammatory medication directed through a syringe directly

Get Off Your Chair And On Your Feet, Australia!

More than ever, we work and play while seated.  Think of how much prolonged sitting can take place in the average day for an adult Australian: At breakfast In a car or on public transport on the way to work

The Melanoma Athlete Cyclist

I recently recorded this video with Nathan Jones after a presentation at our recent members’ seminar evening.  Nathan is a stage 3A melanoma patient and his story is truly remarkable.   His commitment

Powerful Self-Massage Techniques: 1-Hour Workshop at Inspire Fitness

Your day-to-day habits – whether they consist of frantic movement, heavy lifting, or static standing and prolonged sitting – all have adverse effects on your posture. Poor posture developed through our modern

The World’s Rising Obesity Crisis

Obesity levels in the developed world have reached epidemic levels.  Due largely to poor dietary choices and low physical activity, the overwhelming majority of humanity is in critically poor physical condition.

Artificial Sweeteners Are Making You Fat

Many people believe that by substituting sugar with artificial sweeteners in their diet, they are better off.   Research now shows that artificial sweeteners alter the body’s normal regulation of energy,