Exercise Right Week 2017

Exercise Right Week celebrates the role of Exercise Physiologists in changing the lives of Australians

This week is Exercise Right week (22nd – 28th May)  which celebrates the important role that Exercise Physiologists play in the delivering of specialised exercise programs to thousands of Australians every day.

At Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing we are passionate about designing tailored individual exercise programs designed for the unique needs of each person.  Unlocking the amazing fitness and preventive health benefits of exercise is so important for every single person.    However your body is unique and your exercise program must be designed with your unique biomechanical,  medical and  postural needs in mind.

Exercise Right Week 2017 is an initiative of Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) and has been designed to promote the key message that exercise programs should be tailored – one size does NOT fit ALL!

Exercise Physiologists are tertiary qualified exercise professionals who are specially educated to design exercise programs for people with chronic disease, injuries, people with chronic pain or simply individuals seeking to lose weight and improve their general health and fitness under the guidance of a trusted exercise professional.  This individual tailored exercise approach is the speciality of our team of exercise physiologists at Inspire Fitness.

If you would you like to speak with one of our Exercise Physiologists and find out more about how our services can assist your health needs, please call us on 9857 3007.